We don't contradict each other. That's exactly what hypergamy is.
Men do not require women to "match" their level in life. They are OK with dating, mating, and marrying "lower". A woman can have no education, no skills, and just be physically attractive, and she is still on the radar of men for marriage, since she can be his housewife.
I'm not making a value judgment here blaming women or men, I'm just stating my observations. I also don't make a judgment on intrinsic human value, just the tangible/measurable factors of income, education, social status, etc. in the sexual marketplace.
Consider an example. I have a friend whose father was a neurosurgeon that married the receptionist -- his mother. Now consider it with the reversed roles with a female MD neurosurgeon and the front desk security guard, deliveryman, or janitor. Those dudes making 1/10th of her income would be effectively invisible.
And to be crystal clear, I am not blaming any woman that makes that choice, it's just a realistic assessment.