Hi Chris,
Thanks for your thoughts in response to
What is the Concept of “Nothing”? A Proposed Hierarchy (https://postbio.medium.com/what-is-the-concept-of-nothing-itself-a-proposed-hierarchy-c17eeeb9386b)
Much more to write about and consider, but I thought I'd at least respond ASAP in some capacity to your very thought-provoking response.
I do believe that information may be an important part of any resolution, since even logical statements themselves contain information.
Information may be both fundamental and emergent, simultaneously with different contexts. For example, you mention that information can only be created but never lost. Creation of information could be at the level of the very truth value of whether there is something or nothing at the very fundamental level. However, at a higher emergent level, it can appear as entropy. Here, information is destroyed, or at the very least "usable" information decreases, despite the laws of physics being fully reversible at the microscopic level.
Of course, now we are reasoning "provided" there is something rather than nothing already, so these concepts of "information", "nothing", and "something" may be limited.
We have to be careful of taking these analogies to a place that seems familiar. These days many people describe the universe as a computer but that doesn't necessarily solve any problem, but just adds another layer of complexity and distraction since it begs the question of where the universe is being computed.
Also, even the view that the universe is a computer may be wrong or at least very limited and not very illuminating. Check out this very illuminating essay on the arXiv by a professor Ken Wharton, which won awarded third prize in the 2012 FQXi essay contest .
The Universe is not a Computer
Ken Wharton