Member-only story
The controversy rages on concerning United Airlines’ rough treatment of David Dao, inspiring calls of “racism” from within America, as well as over without. For example, there are now over 120 million views and 80,000 comments on China’s version of Twitter, Sina Weibo, and this number will increase as the furor continues.
My question is: where was Chinese outrage with respect to events of the past few years between Blacks and Law Enforcement giving rise to the Black Lives Matter movement? If the Chinese truly believe that America is a racist country, why didn’t they care equally about the plight of Blacks experiencing racism in the USA, and only started caring in this event? (I’m going to focus as much as possible on the science of evolutionary biology and refrain from injecting my own political ideology. This paragraph does not necessarily reflect my own personal opinions, but rather are questions to provide context.)
The reason the Chinese care about David Dao is because he looks like them, and this inspires emotion that heavily influences cognition. No matter how rational humans believe they are, it is difficult, if not impossible to escape the pull of genetic affinity.
“Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution”
- Title of Theodosius…