1. More education does lead to higher income in general, with exceptions such as entrepreneurs or degrees without much market value such as art history. MDs, MBAs, JDs, STEM PhDs, etc. certainly make more money than high school grads.
2. Pay gap is relative, not absolute. Example: men and women making millions per year on an absolute scale yet still have relative pay gaps. With greater absolute pay, people can become more independent regardless of what other people are making.
3. Will just ignore the political rhetoric involving Trump. I'm neither a Trump nor Harris supporter, I loathe both parties. Ideology is a mental prison.
4. Although cases definitely do exist of male misogyny towards women, in the sexual selection marketplace...it's less so that so many men want to treat women as lesser but that women reject men they view as inferior status in the sexual selection marketplace. Good luck to you if you're a male without a college degree earning $30k and want to marry a female MD neurosurgeon, female JD law firm partner, or female MBA investment banker. But that same male MD, JD, or MBA would marry a woman with no education making $0, so long as she's very physically attractive. That's just how human psychology works, doesn't mean I agree or like it.