1. Greater education means higher income. The college degree is the best way to ensure a higher income. Obviously there exist outliers like college dropouts who become billionaires or the problems with student loan debt, but the trend holds in general.
The gender wage gap is relative, not absolute. There can still be a gender wage gap if everyone were making millions per year.
If women attain higher incomes on an absolute scale, that means they can be more independent regardless of what they make relative to men.
2. Progressive feminism is anti-male, both in official anti-male discrimination such policies involving quotas, and in attitudes codified in slogans like "The future is female", "down with the patriarchy", etc. Meanwhile, most males don't know or care about actively oppressing women since most "people, period" are struggling.
3. Men don't have high standards for women at all for sex, only that she is above a low threshold of physical attractiveness. Women have very high standards for men for relationships, he cannot be merely attractive.
The high income male could not care less whether his wife earns as much as him even if she makes $0, but that same high income female JD law firm partner, female MBA hedge fund investment banker, or female MD neurosurgeon would not be marrying the front desk security guard, janitor, or delivery man making 1/10th of her income.
Yes, women can still be hypergamous and the effects the trend is that they are increasingly ending up childless and single due to that hypergamy that holds men up to unattainable and unrealistic standards.
As for the "contradiction", there's a difference between whether they can survive (everyone can technically "survive" without a relationship or children) vs. whether they are happy about that outcome in life. I don't think many childless and/or single women are happy about that situation when they're in their 40s, 50's, or older and are childless and single, despite what the Leftist propaganda says.
Here's more context.
4. "72% of same-sex divorces in 2019 coming from lesbian couples, about 3 times higher than gay male couples."
Source: https://www.friendswoodfamilylaw.com/blog/2021/05/divorce-rate-higher-for-lesbians-than-gay-men/